Welcome to Narravaganza, an online collection of humorous short stories and flash fiction.

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Alfred had known two girls during his time in London. One was a...

Live at the Baby Seal

As background jazz, they usually play that Bill Evans record with the yellow cover, placing the LP cover on top of the whiskey bottles, beneath a sculpture of the words "Now Playing Sculpture...

The Bench It Is

It’s May 2010, I’ve been in Paris since August 2009, not getting much done except getting my emotional and intellectual self-esteems trampled by the vengeful angry elephants of reality whose stolen ivory was used to build the towers I lived in. Those beasts being a protected species, fighting them is...

The Boiled Tomato Technique

The Boiled Tomato Technique will not only boost your dating productivity, it will give you a life-long skill to help you achieve goals....

Chatty Chakras

From the city of Fedfer near the Atlantic ocean, good morning, good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation, around the world. This is Epicenter of Light FM, 107.3, radio for your light and your....

Comet Jordi

On the beach you'll see people walking across the beach, trying to walk determinedly, athletically, despite bland bikinis and drooping pecs, trying to look like...

Critical Mass

Please note that this group should be considered a 'fan site' and involvement in this group, either as a member or admin, should not be construed as being an 'organiser' of...

El Cometa Jordi

En la playa veo a gente caminando a través de la playa, tratando de aparentar caminar con determinación, atléticamente, a pesar de...

Fajeever and I

Shit, I can no longer have a decent wank. I'm in a fucking trailer, Fajeever the trailer, and it rocks and squeaks every time I jerk off. I need to make people believe that I'm...

The Flavour of Facts

Guy goes to an ice cream shop, walks up, peculiarly goes: do you have cucumber ice cream please

How Everything Is

Hey How is everything [ 3 weeks later ] at first i was humbled and inspired by this opportunity to explore the vastness of the cosmos...

Kañe Flood This

Guy goes to an ice cream shop, walks up, peculiarly goes: do you have cucumber ice cream please

My Career with the Pope and Horses and CEOs

Franco says I need to *focus*, so today I'll start this journal to think of new projects I can focus on, dedicate my life to. I've ruled out starting a...

Sick of the whole ‘Ooooh Miss

Speaking of which, I hear you host a podcast where you talk about teacher dating. What are some highlights of that


I was walking down the street eating peanuts out of a bag of peanuts and tossing the shells on the ground until street justice warrior intervenes, says...

The Pedaler of Enlightenment

A runway extends towards the vanishing point, punctuated by a few dog walkers, the sporadic kite flyer, and a cyclist charging furiously down the tarmac, sitting erect, hands grasping his lap in quiet determination. We stand witness to...

Reliable Massage

Ok welcome, welcome. So this, this is the Fedfer Writers Workshop. You are most of you are regulars, but just for the few newcomers, what we like to do is we like to read the piece together. And... Twice if it's a poem, once if it's prose. And then we have...

El Sabor De Los Hechos

Un tipo va a una heladería, se acerca, peculiarmente dice: ¿Tiene helado de pepino, por favor?

The Happiest Person Alive

My plane is in the middle of the air when a commotion belches out a few rows ahead, people shrieking, clapping, extend my neck to see what's happening. There's this dude kneeling...

Trail Mix

The hikers stop meandering and rest in a secluded cove. Oblivious to the doom that stalks their steps. As of right now, they're four hours into the wilderness, isolation wraps around them like a shroud, muffling possible shrieks and screams...

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