Narravaganza is an online collection of humorous short stories and flash fiction. The stories here range from misadventures in a spiritual radio station to hilarious interpretations of classic jokes. Punchy and concise narratives to address some needs of the digital age.
All stories hosted on this site are fictitious.
All stories are licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
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I value all feedback and will reply accordingly 😀
Feedback may be used as material in future stories lol
Incited by the Clerkenwell Writers Asylum. Received feedback from Pupa I.
Incited by the All Good Bookshop Writing Group
Incited by Danielito H.
Spanish version proofread by Patriczia C.
Incited by Matt B.
Improved with feedback from the BA Writers Group.
Improved with feedback from Alejandro J.
Inspired by a Writers Group that shall remain unknown.
Improved with feedback from Diana G.
Improved with feedback from Joan D.
Incited by Diana G.
Improved with feedback from Dina S., Diana G., Mikey B., and the Paris Writers Group
Dedicated to Pupa I.
Improved with feedback from the All Good Bookshop Writing Group
Incited by Nick H and Desirée Frames.
Improved with feedback from Alejandro J., Cate Baum, Clàudia C., Javier E., Joan D., Ivelina C., Neus M.E., Neus T.M., Papa E., Pietro G., Raymond G., and Yoti.
Hugs to Clàudia, Kiko, and Josep, my fellow tropeleros.
This site is built using Jekyll.
CSS assistance from Solal G.